Believing is seeing

Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” John 11:40 (NIV)

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Let's implement our resolutions

By Jean Ricot Dormeus

Governments and international organizations resort to resolutions as a tool for change and improvement. Likewise, we periodically make personal resolutions to steer the course of our lives. Resolutions help to create positive habits, build new skills, improve our relationships, and increase our assets. However, too many of them are short lived or produce no effect at all. Hence the question: how can we make sure to implement them?

Firstly, every change starts in our minds. Many resolutions require specific knowledge or skills. Therefore, once we determine why we make a resolution, we need to identify the attendant skill set we have to learn. Most of the time, we get under the illusion that we can make things happen without a strong desire or relevant knowledge. Let's be clear from the outset, a change in our minds brings about a change in our lives.

Secondly, we adopt a schedule to implement our resolutions effectively. We periodically do activities to advance the implementation process, thus feeding our motivation. When we enlist ourselves in such a plan, consistency will pay in the long run and we will see results.

Finally, let's harness the strength of a team to get through. It is easier to slack off when we go it alone. If we are part of a like-minded team, we will take advantage of the synergy of the group. As we encourage others in their efforts, we get a boost, because we usually receive when we give.

Let's afford our resolutions a chance to flourish and bear fruit. Let's implement them by learning, motivating ourselves through scheduling, and becoming part of a good team. It will be a matter of time before we collect the reward of our efforts.

Jean Ricot Dormeus

Check out my book “Land of Dormant Dreams - A Walk into the Future”.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Believing is seeing

By Jean Ricot Dormeus

Have you ever marveled at some engineering feats, such as an impressive skyscraper or a mammoth cruise ship? Do you realize that these achievements first existed in the mind of someone who believed he could have a transformative vision with an actionable plan, and implement it? Even our social conditions reflect a belief system that either limits or supports us. Therefore, every change and every achievement starts with an adequate belief.

What we believe often comes to pass. Clovis was taking a software coding class and believed that he would fail because the topic bored him. He couldn't even get to spend time on it. He got what he expected.

On her part, Paula believed that she could get good grades despite her limitations. She applied herself to consistent study and research. Finally, she passed the class.

Whatever we believe, we develop reflexes and behaviors that cause it to happen. We turn a blind eye to anything we don't believe. In fact, we walk in the direction of our beliefs and dominant thoughts. We reinterpret every experience through the lens of our beliefs.

If we desire to see changes in our lives, let's change our beliefs. Let's deliberately give up on debilitating beliefs that generate fear, low self-esteem and risk aversion. Let's embrace empowering beliefs that nurture confidence, positive energy and a conquering mindset. This process may require some effort in the beginning, but it will become a habit after a while.

Can we develop a mental blueprint of the good life conditions and country we desire? What about we strongly believe that we can implement such a blueprint? Wouldn't this amount to programming or conditioning ourselves for great feats? Absolutely, because believing is seeing.

Jean Ricot Dormeus

Check out the Chapter “Believing is seeing” in my book “Land of Dormant Dreams - A Walk into the Future”.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Community matters

By Jean Ricot Dormeus

Have you ever met a successful professional or businessman who made to the top without the support of a community? So such an individual might think, but success takes a collective effort. Family, church, school, sport and social clubs, or other support systems play a vital role in shaping our lives. Even to survive, we need every day the contributions of thousands of people, known and unknown. Think of a day without the products or services of farmers, taylors, vendors, shopkeepers, craftsmen, masons, mechanics, …

The better our communities and support systems, the less challenging our journey to success. A positive and nurturing social environment inspires confidence, encourages learning and connects people for uplifting undertakings.

What if our community is less than ideal? Here comes in our role as invaluable members. Can we change it alone? We do not stand a chance to do so. However, if we are willing, we will always have an opportunity to make a difference. For example, bringing neighbors together to address common issues, sharing knowledge and encouragement or even keeping clean our houses, yards and street sections, all this goes a long way.

Our communities will reach their best if we contribute our fair share. Staying in our corners, complaining, or just expecting improvements will not cut it. We must engage with other people, help someone or teach our skills.

We draw great benefits from bringing our bricks for community and nation building. Our engagement generates new ideas, sustains our resolve to move forward and exposes us to new contacts and know how. Because community matters so much, what can we do to improve our communities?

Jean Ricot Dormeus

Check out my book “Land of Dormant Dreams - A Walk into the Future”.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Taking care of our minds

By Jean Ricot Dormeus

Like our most precious assets, our minds require compassionate care to function at their best. So long as we nurture them, they provide us with adequate ideas and effective thinking. Aesop's soldier offers an invaluable lesson. First, he took care of his horse, then he neglected her. When he nurtured his horse, he enjoyed her speed, elegance and strength. After he neglected her and imposed drudgery on her, he had to go on foot to another war.

How well do we nurture our minds? This question does not even dawn on many people. Reason why they allow their minds to feed on distasteful scenes, distressing stories or time consuming destructive distractions. Or they coast down the hill of life in idleness.

Those who afford such a waste end up wanting. They experience a decline in their mental sharpness, difficulty to focus on what matters, and defective thinking.

When we take good care of our minds, our thinking process function smoothly, we detect opportunities readily, and we take steps to transform our circumstances.

We take good care of our minds by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, by developing our spirituality, and by pursuing knowledge and wisdom. We do all this through learning and practicing what we learn. Reading good books stands out as one of the most effective tools in this regard.

If we take better care of our minds, we will enhance the quality of our lives. We will develop better relationships. We will live in higher spheres of peace, happiness and prosperity.

Taking good care of our minds starts with a strong desire to improve day by day. Then everything else will fall into place. And we will realize that care defines ability.

Jean Ricot Dormeus

Check out my book “Land of Dormant Dreams, A Walk into the Future”

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Do you look at the stars?

By Jean Ricot Dormeus

Back in the day, my astronomy class took me on the roof of a building at a campsite, far from the artificial lights of the city, for a night of stargazing. The experience impressed me so much that I can still identify the Orion constellation on a clear sky. However, the pitch darkness of the night frightened the participants. No one ventured away alone. The undulation of some branch under the effect of the breeze sufficed to heighten our fears.

Many seasons of life cover us with some pitch darkness of fear, anxiety, shame, even despair. Anything we don't readily comprehend causes unusual stress and warps our thought process. Pessimism creeps in. We either plateau in the pursuit of our dreams or give up altogether.

However, when in those moments we refocus on the stars of love, service and gratitude, we regain our composure and confidence. We take a glimpse of the sky of opportunities. We learn that our minds can touch a higher dimension that create meaning to our lives.

In this scenario, optimism walks in.

In humility in the face of the unfathomable, we realize how far our limit can go. Depending on their distance, the stars take a long time to touch us with their light. Therefore, we may take the time necessary to reach our goals and dreams. We marshal our courage and resourcefulness to press on.

Then we experience the depth of Oscar Wilde's line “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”

Jean Ricot Dormeus

Check out my book “Land of Dormant Dreams - A Walk into the Future”

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Happy at work, happy indeed

By Jean Ricot Dormeus

My father had a passion for his work as a farmer. His leisure time would not satisfy him without some activity related to his farms. I had thought that happiness at work was a matter of course. Then I came to realize that most workers endure their work instead of enjoying it. They hardly feel relaxed, satisfied and fulfilled. Yet, at work they must spend most of their time.

It is true that the edenic nature of work has evolved to accommodate sweat, thorns and thistles. It is true that the complexity of work has grown over time. It is true that internal and external attitudes add their own weight to the mix. However, would we opt out of work if we could? If you say yes, think again.

  • How would you learn and develop your mind without work?
  • How would you keep your body healthy and strong without work?
  • How would you get an income to spend the rest of your life comfortably with that partner you love and bring new life on Earth, all that without work?
  • How would you alleviate the suffering of that neighbor and express your compassionate self without work?

Thus we welcome work as one of our most faithful and beneficial companions. The more we love it and take pleasure in it, the more success we will attract and the more good we will do to our fellow men and women. Is it easy to nurture such a work loving attitude? You be the judge. More importantly, you will live a happy life if you enjoy your work; for happy at work, happy indeed.

Jean Ricot Dormeus

Check out my book “Land of Dormant Dreams - A Walk into the Future”

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Do you question yourself?

By Jean Ricot Dormeus

I had just arrived in Washington DC with my family. I spent several weeks scanning the dailies for a good house to rent. We landed a nice townhouse and moved in. Following this episode, a colleague came to my office one day and caught me checking the ad section of the paper. She asked me why, since I had found a place. Only then it dawned on me that I was keeping a habit I didn't need anymore.

Habits empower us to execute tasks without thinking. We acquire and cultivate deliberate habits or inadvertent habits. They give direction to our lives and determine our character. However, such an effective tool may go unchecked and consume much of our time for reasons belonging in the past. We want to walk towards new goals, yet we keep obsolete habits.

Hence the need to question ourselves periodically. As we review our days, we gain to assess our habits. We determine which habits to replace, which to adjust and which new ones to adopt. This method applies to any aspect of our lives, even our thinking process and communication.

Failing to do that, we may want to change some features of our character without getting a grip. We may keep going to the ad section of the paper even with no need for it. And we will keep seeing the same results despite our good intentions.

Control the force of habits by taking the habit of questioning yourself. Assess and make relevant decisions. Else, your habits will control you.

Jean Ricot Dormeus

Check my book “Land of Dormant Dreams - A walk into the future” for more tips.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Ambassador Raymond Joseph gives thumbs up to "Land of Dormant Dreams"

The subtitle of this enlightening book, “A Walk into the Future,” is also a walk into the past and the present of a land known to have been at its zenith! Thus, the mythical name of Zenitha, which can stand for all those countries in search of development in all fields – the material, the spiritual, the educational, the ethical, the political and the economical. Well-balanced, these are the foundation to escape from violence and poverty, as we travel on the path to progress.

Written as a novel, Land of Dormant Dreams deals with reality, a reality that spans two centuries and which makes us think of Haiti. The main hero of the book, Arsene, wonders aloud about the current situation of Zenitha, and asks pertinent questions regarding the fall of the land which had been the beacon of hope for the downtrodden everywhere. How did you get there, Zenitha? He answers most of the questions –to my satisfaction, and to yours, I hope.

A novel true to the genre, it deals with romance, deceit, violence, fall and renewal. You’ll be surprised to see how our hero falls and regains his standing by acknowledging his fault and by always being positive in the face of constant skepticism. He’s not alone. There are several other characters, those I would call second and third rank heroes, who show that by their involvement, there’s a brighter future for Zenitha and Zenithians. Indeed, she will realize her dormant dreams and reclaim her past of Zenitha, “the Pearl!”

If you are interested in future development of the Zenithas of the so-called underdeveloped world, if you are committed to their transformation by “changing habits, beliefs and attitudes,” you will not stop reading until the last paragraph where, finally, the dreams become reality. Good reading!

Raymond Alcide Joseph,
Former Ambassador of Haiti to the United States of America.
Author of the book “For Whom the Dogs Spy”

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Focus on what is good

By Jean Ricot Dormeus

We shape our future from the time we wake up to the time we fall asleep. At any moment we are conscious, our environment and our past overwhelm us with sounds, images, scenes and sensations. Under these circumstances, how can we focus our minds on what matters? How will this song, that chilling video or a scene of abuse impact on our lives? Or should we mind at all?

Actually, our favorite distractions absorb our attention and create habits. Even a short exposure to something offensive may derail our mood, begetting stress or a culture of negativity. And we catch ourselves drawing away from important tasks. We complain about evil occurrences and we feel pain and tensions in our bodies that stifle our focus.

All the more reason to focus our attention on what is good and nurtures optimism. We enjoy better dispositions toward the people around us and the task at hand. We feel good, our health benefits and we love more our homes, workplaces and nations.

Let’s fix a situation when we can do so. Otherwise, let’s promote the values and principles that would have prevented that misfortune.

Good books, inspiring music, elevating images or uplifting scenes do a great deal for our productivity and success.

Let’s not only strive to practice what is good, let us also see, talk about and listen to what is good. We will thus take a major step to developing ourselves and make an invaluable contribution to the improvement of our communities and nations.

Jean Ricot Dormeus

Taken from my book Land of Dormant Dreams:

Jeanty usually sought the sun beyond the clouds. He showed balance and did his best to shine some light. In response to Arsene’s setback, he expressed sympathy and hope. He said: “Angelus will get out of it, and Zenitha will be better off. This is the reason for our project and efforts.”

Taken from Land of Dormant Dreams, page 5.