Believing is seeing

Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” John 11:40 (NIV)

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Believing is seeing

By Jean Ricot Dormeus

Have you ever marveled at some engineering feats, such as an impressive skyscraper or a mammoth cruise ship? Do you realize that these achievements first existed in the mind of someone who believed he could have a transformative vision with an actionable plan, and implement it? Even our social conditions reflect a belief system that either limits or supports us. Therefore, every change and every achievement starts with an adequate belief.

What we believe often comes to pass. Clovis was taking a software coding class and believed that he would fail because the topic bored him. He couldn't even get to spend time on it. He got what he expected.

On her part, Paula believed that she could get good grades despite her limitations. She applied herself to consistent study and research. Finally, she passed the class.

Whatever we believe, we develop reflexes and behaviors that cause it to happen. We turn a blind eye to anything we don't believe. In fact, we walk in the direction of our beliefs and dominant thoughts. We reinterpret every experience through the lens of our beliefs.

If we desire to see changes in our lives, let's change our beliefs. Let's deliberately give up on debilitating beliefs that generate fear, low self-esteem and risk aversion. Let's embrace empowering beliefs that nurture confidence, positive energy and a conquering mindset. This process may require some effort in the beginning, but it will become a habit after a while.

Can we develop a mental blueprint of the good life conditions and country we desire? What about we strongly believe that we can implement such a blueprint? Wouldn't this amount to programming or conditioning ourselves for great feats? Absolutely, because believing is seeing.

Jean Ricot Dormeus

Check out the Chapter “Believing is seeing” in my book “Land of Dormant Dreams - A Walk into the Future”.

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